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Crack Cocaine ate up over two decades of my life. In 1984 during "rehabilitation" I was told that I could never beat Chemical Addiction. However, on the 5th January, 2005 I woke up, homeless, broke and in dire straights; however overnight (literally) something had happened to me and I have not touched any addictive drugs since---not even prescription medicine. I have waited almost 20 years to tell my story of victory and an absolutely amazing turn around in my life. I have experienced many, many victories over these two decades and I am writing books about what I did to get free, what I have done to stay free and how I defeated a Multi Million Dollar Debt Collection Corporation; representing myself in court Pro Se.
"Don't let anyone that has given up on their dreams, talk YOU into giving up on YOURS!"
How I defeat Third Party Debt Collectors via the MAIL SERVICE while preparing my Defense in Court
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Third Party Debt Collection Defense
How I defeat Third Party Debt Collectors via the MAIL SERVICE while preparing my Defense in Court